• Trump Postpones VP Pick, Pence Expected Nominee
    The horrendous attack in Nice, France, last night again shook the core of Western Europe. The big news today, Trump's official announcement of his vice presidential choice, which we now know will be Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, was postponed due to global events.
  • Majority Of Digital Ads Near Trump Content
    Over the past three months, articles about Donald Trump have displayed the lion's share of digital ads viewed on content about presidential candidates, via TubeMogul. While the percentage of ads displayed on articles about Hillary Clinton on desktop has also increased, it remains significantly lower than that of the GOP nominee.
  • Clinton, Trump Increasingly Careful With TV Appearances
    We have a brief seven days until the GOP convention in Cleveland, and a mere 14 until the Democrats descend on Philadelphia. Both promise to be huge TV events, but in the meantime, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are carefully limiting their TV exposure.
  • Presidential TV Advertising Records Uptick In June, Koch Ad Scores
    Political advertising on TV slowed down significantly at the tail end of primary season. May saw no new ads from the Trump or Clinton campaigns. Trump, with an unprecedented level of earned media, continued with a blank slate in June, while Clinton resumed with five fresh ads.
  • Racial Divide: The More We Break Apart, The More We Must Fight For Conciliation
    It is difficult to wrap one's head around the implications of last week's violence. How can the media help conciliate the relationship between the police authority and protesters who feel targeted because of their race?
  • Digital Video Plays Critical Role In 2016 Election
    The field of political marketing in the 2016 election cycle has seamlessly adopted the tech advancements. One particular medium that has seen significant use within campaigns is digital video.
  • Celebrities, Marchers To Descend On Philadelphia For Democratic Convention
    The Democratic National Convention kicks off on July 25 in Philadelphia, the birthplace of the American Constitution. The event promises to be an upbeat and exciting affair, with high-level celebrities holding events and a number of protest groups expected to march throughout the city.
  • Elizabeth Warren Sports Highest Digital Content Engagement Of All Potential VP Picks
    The GOP convention is just 13 days away, and the Democratics kick-start theirs in a mere 23. Neither major party candidate has decided on its Vice Presidential pick, and time is running out.
  • Trump, Clinton Campaigns Reel From Poor Optics
    Presidential campaigns must be acutely aware of what their candidate says and tweets, as well as how surrogates act on the campaign trail. Optics, how an event or action looks and feels to the public, as opposed to the actual intention, can have serious effects on a candidate's marketing operation.
  • Sanders Campaign Leaves Progressive Legacy
    Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' candidacy for Democratic nominee for President has ignited a progressive flame that promises to burn bright for the foreseeable future. But he has said he will vote for Hillary Clinton in November.
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